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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

Week two in London

Visited: October 2017

So I moved to London, England - here are my week two adventures.

Elizabeth Tower and Big Ben
Elizabeth Tower and Big Ben - Soon to be covered with scaffolding

Last week I covered some key facts about London and why it's considered such a world city. This week will be a shorter post as it had been a quieter week, filled with work. There is also a hurricane inbound. Media evidence below.

Crossing London Bridge - I loved walking across bridges here
Crossing London Bridge - I loved walking across bridges here

And so week two is done

Things have settled in a bit now. I just moved to a new more ‘permanent’ spot near Earl's Court in Chelsea. A nice two bedroom flat with a roomie who I know from Toronto. Finally I can go shopping for some new things!

I was in Birmingham this week for a conference. Didn’t see much of the city but the Belfry Golf Resort was pretty impressive. I didn’t golf in case you’re wondering.

Aside from that I had a lot of meetings in London and was able to get the last bit of banking setup. Now to order internet at the new place with no credit record here. Let’s see what fees apply :)

Not too many photos this week but here are a couple.  One of my favourite bridges (above photo) in the distance... can you guess which one? (It’s not London Bridge) And the second photo is proof that the Atlantic ocean has equal opportunity hurricanes. 

It’s 25 degree and sunny here today. Apparently that’s not normal :(

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