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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

Week three in London

Visited: October 2017

So I moved to London, England - here are my week three adventures.

St Paul's Cathedral by Christopher Wren
St Paul's Cathedral by Christopher Wren - My favorite building in London

There are so many beautiful buildings in London. The famous ones like St Paul's above, Somerset House, Westminster Palace, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Saint Pancras Train Station, etc.. etc.. etc.. I could quite literally go on and on. And this is just the tip of the Iceberg - walking almost any Zone 1 or 2 area you'll find gems all over. Zones 3+ have gems too, they are just a little more hit and miss.

One building I visited again this week which I love is the British Museum. The museum was established in 1753 and has grown over the years. The entry to the building sports massive Roman columns and you get to walk right in the front door through them (although see tip a bit lower). When you enter you come to a beautiful grand hall with a spectacular glass ceiling.

British Museum Glass Ceiling
British Museum Glass Ceiling

The museum sees almost 6M visitors a year and has over 8M items in the collection both British items and err... borrowed items. The museum is near Russell Square just North of Oxford street and worth a visit. There is also a back entrance which usually has no line in case the front entrance is very busy!

And so on to week 3 - It's always sunny in London! (Said no one ever...)

Well after 3 weeks it's safe to say no one will ever get sunburned here. As I wander past the sunglasses stores I can't help but think they must be a front for the mafia since clearly no one needs to purchase anything there.

Moving into the new flat near Earl's Court I've finally begin to feel a bit settled (and great to get a warm welcome from all utility companies (ah hem .. bills I should say)). Internet has not yet arrived to the flat.

The Virgin Media call centre staff was kind enough to note that our earliest appointment option is the 2nd of Nov in the politely curt way only the British can tell one to bugger off and like it. Apparently there is a point system based on your order which places you appropriately in the queue (i.e. we didn't buy enough services for prompt install).

After a busy week at work I did get to wander around quite a bit yesterday with some friends. When the sun did come out late AM I was walking around Oxford street. It was beautiful with not a cloud in the sky! I went into Starbucks to get a coffee for the walk. When I came back out 2 minutes later it was raining.. so my sunglasses went back in my jacket pocket where they spend most of their time.

Of note in the photos below:

1) That is an original Da Vinci Notebook - something about pulleys

2) Can you see the swan in the Buckingham Palace Photo?

3) A photo of my favorite London site - King Henry VIII made use of it as part of his tyranny

4) Trudeau being popular again in the UK

5) And again the Monday red sun (thanks to Portugal fires and Hurricane Ophelia)

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