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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

Spain in June 2018

Visited June 2018

Towards the end of June 2018 I visited my friend Micha in Barcelona. Micha briefly worked at Globalive where I worked for years; and I hadn't seen her in at least 5 years. I found out she was living in Barcelona for a year so I took the opportunity to see her and the lovely city!

Arco de Triunfo in Barcelona Spain
Arco de Triunfo in Barcelona Spain

Finally off to Europe

After 8 months in London I figured I would have visited half of Europe. Instead I spent most of my time in England and London exploring, plus some return trips to Canada. Were it not for a trip to Israel in early March I wouldn't have left the Island aside from return visits to Canada.

I arrived on a Saturday late afternoon and spent the first couple hours reading in bed. You might think this was a strange thing to do, but I had been longing for a totally relaxing trip and I decided I would do whatever the eff I felt like for the 4 days I was there. Besides I had been to Barcelona previously.

I managed to get moving mid evening and met Micha and here friends at a new rooftop bar beside the W Hotel. The rooftop bar had a beautiful view out into the water and we dance, drank and had a jolly time there until 1am (for me), and later for Micha et al.

View from the rooftop (sorry it's dark), boats on the walk home, and then rooftop bar DJ.


I had been to Barcelona to visit in 2004 on a long European trip I hope to write about soon here. And I was also there in 2017 but only briefly to pick up and drop off a car. The city itself is the 2nd biggest in Spain (behind Madrid), 6th biggest metro area in Europe and capital of the ever separation ready region of Catalonia. Like many European cities it was founded by the Romans!

It's tucked nicely in the northeast section of the Mediterranean Sea and has some nice very popular beaches and a general lovely climate (certainly relative to London). Day 2 I did get up a tad later (errr noonish), watched football until later (err 2ish) and finally made it out to wander around long enough to get food. The real highlight of the day though was the 2 bottles of wine Micha and I crushed at the rooftop pool at my hotel while lazing in the sun.

Photos: Proof (sort of) that I went outside. The pool. A friendly seagull who was pretty chill.

Honestly, this is all I did on the 2nd day and it was brilliant.

Day 3

So day 3 upon me and it being Monday I decided to get out and about and see some of the city. After all it was beautiful out and most tourists had hopefully left after the weekend (yah right). I did though do a pretty serious walk around the city.

First stop was a walk through the Gothic District which is a set of narrow pathways with shops and flats everywhere. Windy paths lead you in all kinds of fun directions. You find this a lot in Spain and Europe in fact but it was a pleasure to try to navigate them. I honestly don't know what people did before google maps! If you have not seen the district before go - and go your first time during the day for safety sake.

One highlight is the beautiful Barcelona Cathedral, and extremely stunning cathedral built between the 13th and 15th centuries and currently the seat of the Archbishop of Barcelona. The interior of any European cathedral tends to be magnificent and this did not disappoint.

Exterior and Interior photos of the cathedral.

After the cathedral I wandered off to the Sagrada Familia, a very famous (and in typical European style, yet unfinished as it was only started just over 100 years ago) Basilica designed by the renowned Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi. In fact the entire city is filled with Gaudi's work and it is well worth a tour to see all of it!

I had been in the Basilica previously in 2004 so I didn't fight the massive crowds to go in again but I did have a rest on a bench outside and took a couple photos.

The Sagrada Familia in all its glory (and cranes)
The Sagrada Familia in all its glory (and cranes)

From there I wandered up to Gaudi park aka Parc Guell which was up quite the hill. I did not get in. Much like the mistake I made 14 years earlier I neglected to purchase a ticket ahead of time so there were none left. I was not totally disappointed as I managed walk all the way around it and get both a decent view of what was in the park as well as the view of the city from that high up!

View from the Parc Guell - sorry for the bad pano
View from the Parc Guell - sorry for the bad pano

From there I went to a grocery store, grabbed some food and headed back to the hotel for a nap and dinner of jamon and cerveza. I feel it's important to consume like the locals to feel like I'm really experiencing things ;)

Post nap I met Micha again and we hit the town for a some drinks. She brought me to a fun area called La Ribera where we bar hopped including a stop at Stereo 18 which also came loaded with a funky washroom.

A random night out photos:

Day 4

The final full day I spent wandering more of the city. I did have a board meeting that evening which I called in for from the hotel room, but before that I saw quite a bit of the city including many Gaudi buldings, the beach and Las Ramblas (again), where you can get souvenirs, watch buskers, buy street food, get pickpocketed, crowd watch, or even get mugged at night!

A random day of wandering!

In the evening I met Micha and her flatmate for yet another night of wine by the glass. Seems like I was temporarily a wine addict!

A view of the marina from the rooftop bar we were at.

Day 5 - Hasta la juego

I spent the last day with some more time at the roof top pool and Micha dropped by again briefly before she headed off and I left for the airport for good ole London!

Certainly an enjoyable and fun trip overall!

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