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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

Reading - Make it Count

Don't run away when I say this but reading blogs is not actually reading!

Well maybe that's not true but reading blogs, Twitter, Facebook posts and the like is not really reading in the historic sense. Factually yes you are reading but are you really only getting small snippets of information. It may be useful, it may not be. But real reading, like a book (and hopefully a quality book) is something that seems to be becoming a lost art.

Sure you read when on vacation - but did you check your phone every 2 pages to see how your Instagram post is doing? Yes I know you read while going to bed, but did you fall asleep after trying to read (and subsequently half dream about) the same page for the 20 minutes you were putting in the effort?

Reading a book, uninterrupted by distraction for hours at a time, is I suspect being done by fewer and fewer people. My favorite band Arcade Fire wrote a song titled Infinite Content which as the names spells out sings about the Infinite Content we're given to become infinitely content. While the song did not get great reviews, the topic is quite relevant today. What are we getting out of all the internet content out there? Is it helping us? Wasting our time? Brainwashing us to stay longer, buy more, watch more ads?

Books by contrast, especially well written ones, allow us to dive into a topic, story, dream in deep detail. We learn more, get great insight and when one immerses themselves I suspect we also gain much more fulfillment than reading snippet after snippet on the internet.

My suggestion - pick up that book you've been dying to read. Put away your phone and get back to something more significant and more fulfilling than the infinite content dumped online.

Looking for a few life lesson books. Check out my post on Health & Wealth books.

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