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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

My Hair is Falling Out - It's scary shit - Part 1

Updated: Oct 14, 2018

First part: October 13, 2018

Around 3 months (maybe 4) or so ago I noticed my drain in the shower had clogged a bit. I reached down to clear it and found a lot of hair. I can't remember this happening before so it made me a bit concerned - but should I be? Yes as it turns out - because my hair is falling out and here is the scary shit since then.

I've never had an issue with losing hair that I can remember. I've also never had the thickest head of hair either - but it's always been good coverage. Perhaps there was a time when people said they could see my scalp or I could even see it - looking back at photos I do see a bit from time to time, but never would you look at me as say I'm balding. Until now - and I hope it's temporary.

The one thing I've realized about male pattern balding is it hits people differently. Different ages, different patterns, different paces of loss. Loss is often caused by the body producing DHT which is a by-product of testosterone. As the body ages its ability to break down DHT diminishes and the follicles' ability to work around DHT reduces as well. This is generally MPB and can be slowed usually with mediations, diet and DHT blockers, but not cured forever as the mediations are lifelong and will reduce effectiveness over time.

In some cases though the loss can be temporary due to pregnancies (don't worry I'm not), medications, cancer/chemo, major injury or major stress. In the case of the latter (which I hope is my case) the body just decides to shut down hair production because it isn't essential in order to focus on the issue at hand. When this happens it usually happens fast and it's called Telogen Effluvium - in which case instead of 10% of the hair in a non-growth phase (see below), 30-70% will enter a non-growth phase. By some definitions this is temporary and the hair grows back when the issue at hand is sorted. I've also been told at times its permanent, especially if one was susceptible to male pattern balding anyway - but this was by a hair clinic trying to sell me products.

There are three stages of hair growth.

  • Anagen -- active hair growth that lasts between two to six years

  • Catagen -- transitional hair growth that lasts two to three weeks

  • Telogen -- resting phase that lasts about two to three months; at the end of the resting phase the hair is shed and a new hair replaces it and the growing cycle starts again.

In the case of TE, many hairs move from Anagen to Catagen and then Telogen in a short period causing mass hair shedding. If the issue causing TE goes away hair will revert back to Anagen.

So back to me. I can tell I have hair loss because my hair is very fine now and comes out easily and I see my scalp from many lighting situations and angles - which is new!

I believe I have TE, versus the more permanent balding Androgenic Alopecia. I think this because I have lost a lot of hair over 3 months and this is after having such severe anxiety in the spring and early summer I went to therapy.

TE though shows up 2-3 months after the stressful period as seen from the timing above. If I do have TE then,.. by removing my anxiety and stress my hair should grow back. I'm very hopeful of this as I'm already greying very quickly (so grey I cover some up), and I don't want to be bald and grey at 43!

The problem is as of now in October, my hair is still shedding very quickly. I would say my bout of anxiety started subsiding largely in the end of August. Unfortunately when I did conclude I am losing hair in September it kicked up again. Hence I'm going back to Toronto for a while to deal with it. I may never come back to London in fact - which would be a shame - or if I do come back it may be as a grey and bald fellow who will be for sure kicked out of the young club - hence is there a reason to come back?

What is it like to go through this? Well each day I dread showering because I'll rub dozens of hairs off my head. Each time I run my figures through wet hair or comb my hair there goes 4-5 more. My hair is really fine meaning my body isn't feeding it! Stupid body let's feed it. It's like daily torture wondering what will come out next.

I can also see the anxiety and stress on my face as I look at me in the mirror now vs a year ago and I see me looking like I was 35 on my 42nd birthday and now I look easily mid-40s especially with me not colouring my hair anymore.

This combined with being in London vs Toronto makes me stressed, hence I'm heading back to Toronto to hopefully get some treatments because it's hard to get a doctor here although I have tried the hair clinic called the Belgravia centre in London and they are giving me some Minoxidil cream that apparently works wonders to get blood flowing in your scalp and hair growing again. I couldn't use it yet because I had a very dry irritated scalp, which they gave me stinky shampoo for. Now that I hope my scalp is cleared up I'm going back to get the growth cream. But Belgravia centre is more trying to sell products vs diagnose. Hence I need blood tests and a general diagnosis and some home time.

A few lessons I've learned about hair loss.

1) If you think you are losing hair and it matters to you - start living, eating, supplementing healthy asap and see a doctor or hair loss clinic for options. The earlier you do something the better. Also don't smoke - like you need another reason.

2) Find ways to measure. Take photos weekly of the same spot in the same light and see if you start seeing a difference. Check the back at the crown with another mirror as it's tough to see from the front.

3) Ask people you trust and will tell you the truth. If 10 people say no you may be paranoid but no harm in asking.

4) Pull test - pull a section of 60-70 hairs. If more than 2 or 3 come out there could be an issue.

5) Both genetics and non genetic factors can cause it

6) There are many preventative diets and products to help you which can work if used early and often.

Hair loss estimate on top of head - 33%

Updates to follow.

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