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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

February / Early March in London

Visited: February 2018

Chinese New Year in London - Interesting Big! But not impressive big
Chinese New Year in London - Interesting Big! But not impressive big

I did a few interesting things in February and early March. I tried to stay tourist busy whenever I could including seeing some theatre while there were deals on and tourists were still less common than in the spring, summer and autumn.

Among the highlights:

Jack the Ripper tour with the team

We found self-guided walking tour online and walked to many of the spots where Jack the Ripper killed his 5 victims. Interestingly 1) he (or she) was never caught, 2) they don't know if those are the only 5 victims or even his 5, 3) he had other names as well such as the Whitechapel Murderer and Leather Apron. There were many theories on who was the actual killer. The murders took place in East London around the Whitechapel area. There were many other murders at that time (1888-1891) so it's unclear exactly who's who and who did what.

Anyway it was an amusing afternoon out with the team, although we spent more time trying to find corners where there is no sign of any murders and then more time in pubs having pints. Good team building!

Photos of the Jack the Ripper outing! Including Jeff trying to close a deal.

I also went to my second football match - this time a West Ham United game in Stratford at Olympic Stadium. Jeff has a membership and got us tickets! It was a drink and yell at the pitch kind of day followed by some time at the casino in Stratford.

Photos: Entering the Stadium, the pitch and outside olympic park.

I also attended Chinese New Year parade and general walkabout - it was less impressive than it was made out to be and the smallish parade was almost dwarfed by the somewhat large crowd.

I took a day to walk around and see CNY

Of course I always walk about the city and hence here are more photos:

The lovely view from the Golden Jubilee Bridges; a view from another bridge - I think Millennium but I'm too lazy to look it up; the Barbican x2 (the Barbican is a brutish complex primarily residential but also the arts including theatres); some fatbergs from the London sewers, apparently so toxic they are put behind double glass walls, and a cat who is confused by the tough question asking reporter.

I can't forget the Beast from the East! A massive (by London standards) snow storm which we were warned about for days in advance. It started Tuesday and gradually filled the city with cold and snow. The Londoners did manage the first couple days, but gradually they gave up as the week progressed and by Friday everyone was just not going into work. In fairness the country and city doesn't really have the tools to deal with all of this, i.e. heat, ploughs, heated rails, etc.. hence some people got stuck on trains, poor northern UK was crushed.

Photos: My street, outside my window, over the Thames and some clever snow art.

By Sunday things were mostly back to normal.

And I saw a few shows! Why not, with fewer tourists and lower prices it was a great time to see them.

  • Le Jeune Homme et la Mort / La Sylphide - Coliseum

  • The Play that Goes Wrong - The Duchess

  • A Comedy About a Bank Robbery - Criterion Theatre

  • A rap show at the Roundhouse

And well I did more, but that's a good summary and a wrap for this post!

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