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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

A walk around London - August 25, 2018

Updated: Sep 8, 2018

Some days I just walk around London. Usually I have a plan like the day I went to Notting Hill. Other days I just wander around and stop if I find something interesting. Today I ran into a few nice spots. One new and one I've seen many times.

View from the Golden Jubilee Bridge
View from the Golden Jubilee Bridge - Elizabeth Tower in Scaffolding

Random Walking in London is for Winners

One advantage of not knowing a ton of people here is that I can often just take a day to myself on the weekend and wander the city. London has had a hot at times, but generally nice summer. Not much rain at all, in fact I don't even think to bring my umbrella most days.

Today I headed out to run some errands and then just decided to jump on the tube and head over to Piccadilly Circus intending to do some shopping. That was short lived but instead I decided to walk back along Piccadilly Road. I feel like writing about Piccadilly Road but I'll stop short aside from noting its name came from that fact that Piccadills were made there. What are Piccadills you ask? They are 16th and 17th century collars which look like they are from about that time.

First stop was Burlington House - another great building in London and probably overlooked by many tourists because it's not on the A-list (or B-list likely). Like many buildings (houses, mansions) this prominent it was first owned by an aristocrat. In this case the Earl of (you guessed it) Burlington. Also like many buildings of this type it's since been taken over by a government or local organisation to be used for public, government or military purposes.

Currently the Burlington House houses (with links in case you want to explore the societies):

The above are housed in the wings of the building. Housed in the main building is the Royal Academy of Arts where I visited. I would not suggest it's on par with the major museums and galleries in London but it had some interesting items (and an entry quad under construction).

The royal gardens and palace

I really enjoy the parks here. I have to write a post on some of the parks I've been to, they really are a blast. Today I walked through Green Park, then past Buckingham Palace, then St. James Park. One thing I try not to take for granted is the beauty in these areas of London. I can only wish for fewer tourists, but that's not likely anytime soon.

Ponds, ducks, trees, benches - it doesn't get a lot better chilling out in those parks.

That's all for today - if you read this and are in London please go out and look around at this beautiful city!

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