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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

A Tale of Two Books

Updated: Sep 8, 2018

Health and Wealth. If I could go back to my 18 year old self and shove two books in my hand they would be these: one about health and one about wealth.

Two books I think everyone should read are a book about health called The Longevity Code by Kris Verburgh and a book about building wealth called Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth by Nick Murray.

"Give yourself some great life lessons in two short reads. Even if you don't follow the advice at least you know."

These books will not be the only two you'll ever likely need or want to read on two of the most important themes of your life, but they are great starting points. They are shorter but great high level reads on both topics. Give yourself some great life lessons in two short reads. Even if you don't follow the advice at least you know.

The Longevity Code

The Longevity Code dives deep into how cells age. Why they age and how they age are two very relevant topics for people wanting to live a healthy and long life.

The book does a great job at explaining how the life choices we make everyday affect our health both medium and long term.

There are some obvious things in the book, like don't smoke, do exercise, but there are also other great insights into how to stay healthier longer.

Younger and don't think you need this information yet? You can't be more wrong - choices you make today show up months and years later. Often when they show up negatively it is too late to undo the damage. Start now and your future self will thank you!

Older and think it's too late? It's rarely too late to start living a better life. At least arm yourself with the information to make educated choices!

Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth

Similar to health, it's never too early or too late to read about and understand how many people build their wealth. Ultimately it's less complicated than you think and really the key is persistence and consistency.

Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth does a great job at explaining how with a few simple techniques you can reliably build wealth even if you know very little about financial markets, the economy and investments.

The best part about this book is it doesn't dive into deep details and micro trends and strategies which may be obsolete or outdone by Artificial Intelligence and algorithms by the time you read it.

As my mother's advisor always says 'It's time in the market, not timing the market' that builds wealth - meaning start now! Read the book and start on your path to wealth and financial independence.

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