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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Cozzi

A Visit From the Gals

Updated: Dec 20, 2018

Visited: Apr 13, 2018

Some former friends and I had a nice time in London when Lara and Lenore came to visit in April! They were here for a good time, not a long time - but we had a good time, and the sun didn't shine everyday (hey it's London).

The girls and I in London (one of our only shots together)
The girls and I in London (one of our only shots together)

The girls (Lara and Lenore) came to visit in April. Like any proper girls visits we 1) saw Arcade Fire, 2) shopped, 3) drank vino.

Day 1 - Oxford & Fire

I picked up the girls from the airport in the AM - they came back an briefly napped, but like any lovely stylish gals, the first order of business was shopping. They made me go to Oxford Street which I hated, but I hated it in silence for the most part. For those of you who have lived in Toronto, it is like Yonge Street at Christmas, but every effin day. The pinnacle of life hating time on Oxford can be had at Primark. If anyone would like to buy cheap (quality and cost) clothing, accessories and random household goods made by near slave labour in who knows where you should shop here. First rule of Primark - be prepared to hate everyone in the store. Second rule of Primark - find a nook to hide out in. Third rule of Primark - get the eff out asap.

Oxford Street is wicked fun! Relative to Hell
Oxford Street is wicked fun! Relative to Hell

To round up your Oxford shopping experience you should go to the Oxford Circus tube stop - said no one ever. If you'd really like to shop on Oxford I suggest Selfridges, a Saks like shopping experience and while still crowded your main life hating activity will be looking at your credit card bill the following week. Also, to escape Oxford you're better off to wander down Regent street to Piccadilly or Green Park to use the tube - IMHO at least.

Yes guy! So much good in one photo
Yes guy! So much good in one photo

The good news is we got back to mine and started having wine in anticipation of going to the Arcade Fire concert at the SSE Arena in Wembley. We got up there by taking the Metropolitan Line, which 1) is better to get there than Jubilee because it has a fast train which skips stops, and 2) is the oldest line! Great Success!

Proof of the concert:

Arcade Fire is my favorite band and played an amazing set as usual. I love almost all of their songs. They are often known for fun entrances (check - they came in in boxing gear and to a boxing entrance announcement), their great live show intensity (check - like there was any doubt) and guest appearances (check - this time Florence from Florence and the Machine as well as Boy George - whom my father wouldn't let me see as a child lest become like him).

Three happy campers - Arcade Fire!
Three happy campers - Arcade Fire!

They played for a couple hours and we had a great drunken time. I think we got home by midnight but I can't really recall.

Day 2 - Walk around London

My favorite activity in London is to walk around the city. It's quite frankly amazing. The parks, the buildings, the river, the bridges, the people, the vibe, and so much more.

London Canal photos in Camden - I can't get enough of them.

First order of business was Camden which is always a great place to visit, save for the crowds. I've been up there a few times and I really do enjoy the canal, food market and some of the main market (though it is crowded and has a very repetitive feel to it). Camden also has an edgy and alternative vibe. It's home to Amy Winehouse (RIP), The Roundhouse (a well known music venue) and the best store ever - Cyberdog (a rave, edm, crazy outfit and accessories store)!

Camden Photos - yes the girls are Vegan!

From there we walked over the Regent Park - one of the best parkes in the city. We slowly sauntered through the park and enjoyed a nice sit down here and there - eventually we ended up at the south end and as we started the day late we looked around for takeaway to bring home which we didn't end up finding as the vegan restaurant we were looking for wasn't open so we went home and bought food at Tesco - barf.

Day 3 - More wandering

We woke up at a better hour on Saturday. We went out to Borough Market and spent most of the day in South Bank - including a visit to the Tate Modern. I prefer the Tate Briton, both the building and the art - however Tate Modern is pretty good too.

Out and about in London.

I was really enjoying the day until The Girls informed me I had to go shopping again. This time while I did go with them, I refused to go into Primark and instead loitered around Zara. If you have to go into a chain store I recommend Zara because there are three of them on Oxford which lowers general traffic into those Zara stores.

Bus - top deck - legendary seats - wicked good.
Bus - top deck - legendary seats - wicked good.

This time I made them wrap it up faster at the stores and fortunately we headed back to mine for more wine and dins. Fun day again. It was a nice last day.

And the next day - they were gone. I dropped them at the bus stop near mine and they took the bus to Clapham Junction where they caught a train to Gatwick. And I will never see them again. May they have happy ever after lives.

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